Luring in younger bulb growers

David Pilling
Thu, 17 Oct 2013 09:54:14 PDT

In message <BAY404-EAS3592C6FA09C870F4AD4F371B6050@phx.gbl>, Cynthia 
Mueller <> writes
>We've probably all heard laments about the lack of younger specialty 
>plant collectors/growers and having a presence on Facebook would be 
>approaching many of them in a familiar way.  How difficult/expensive 
>would it be to include images with the PBS postings? -Cynthia Mueller, 
>Central Texas

What would encourage more people is material that demonstrates how to 
achieve success.

Too much gardening is based around "reinvent the wheel yourself" where 
failure is supposed to be part of the fun.

If anyone would like to generate foolproof growing tutorials, text, 
video we'd be happy to publish it on the wiki.

I help run another mail list (lilies), and there you can attach pictures 
to the postings. We ask people to limit the attachments to 200,000 
bytes, often things get out of hand and 1 or 2 million byte postings 
occur. However people don't complain, the membership is around twice 
that of this list.

The obvious objection is "what about people on poor connections".

Finally, membership of this list is at an all time high.

When we get a flurry of off topic emails people tend to depart 8-(

David Pilling

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