Nhu Question re: BX 349

Nhu Nguyen xerantheum@gmail.com
Tue, 08 Oct 2013 09:54:31 PDT
Hi John and others,

This last offering was not my best in term of organization, since it was
during a crazy time. I'll elaborate on a few things.

8. Bulbine aff. diphylla --

15. Erythronium pusaterii -- a very rare, large flowered, and fragrant
species. These are wild collected seeds from the southern Sierra Nevada. We
made a specific trip and a daring drive, and a hike to get these seeds. We
hope that those who grow these plants will make more seeds and spread them

20. Massonia sp., NNBH385, open pollinated -- this is a lovely species that
starts out white and turns pink.

21. Lachenalia (Polyxena) sp., NNBH1779 -- Not quite sure what this is but
it looks like P. ensifolia, but with only a few sparse flowers.

24. Triteleia laxa Tilden Form --
A nice form from the Tilden Botanical Garden, scroll down to my images of
the plants.

29. Zephyranthes sp., Guatamala City, white -- collected in habitat outside
of Guatamala City, Guatamala. The flowers are supposed to be large, white,
with a pink back.

30. Zephyranthes sp., NNBH1050 --

Happy growing!

On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 11:35 AM, John Wickham <jwickham@sbcglobal.net>wrote:

> Nhu,
> What is Triteleia laxa Tilden Form? Any details?

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