Luring in younger bulb growers

clayton3120 clayton3120
Thu, 17 Oct 2013 21:04:51 PDT
Jane and Roger make several valid points, and I respect that.   Being a
Facebook groupie myself, may I just say one truly does miss out by not
being on Facebook , particularly concerning what's new in hybridization,
what's new in cultivation,and what's new in the collecting/exploration
world.   One can have a conversation with people you may have only read
about, or have read their materials in books, periodicals etc.
Standing your ground on ideals is great, but the world is passing you by
for a whole world of things, plants,people  and much, much more happening
in the here and now.
Meeting new people, arranging exchanges,  etc are so much easier on
To each his own.   Facebook phobia,I  suppose, is real.   But maybe you
should , for a limited time, check it out before you discount this valuable
and expanding resource.
I belong to both PBS and several Facebook groups, and for myself, I learn
more, meet more people, have more fun in the exchange, and am exposed to
much more of what is going on in the plant world  on Facebook.

On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 7:04 PM, Rodger Whitlock <> wrote:

> On 17 Oct 2013, at 17:38, Jane McGary wrote:
> > I'd rather see our material kept on the PBS website rather than on
> > Facebook...
> That makes two of us.
> > I am one of those who have some psychological resistance to Facebook.
> My resistance is purely intellectual. As has been said by others before,
> on the
> internet if something worthwhile is free, that's because *you* are the
> product
> and the real customers are advertisers.
> Facebook has not just a cavalier attitude towards privacy, but an outright
> malignant one. Zuckerman isn't an altruist; he's a businessman and a fairly
> ruthless one at that. Facebook is not an innocent operation over which one
> daintily exclaims "oh isn't that nice!" while sipping chamomile tea.
> There is no reason to put anything on Facebook; whenever I need to look up
> some
> matter-bulbous, Google often presents me with a PBS Wiki link as the first
> in
> the list of hits. There is absolutely no reason to balkanize our material
> by
> splitting it between two sites.
> Unless we as a group feel compelled to hold the hands of those too lazy or
> ignorant to use Google, the PBS Wiki remains a solution to the problem of
> disseminating knowledge-bulbous in a nearly optimum manner. Perhaps I
> should
> add that the PBS mailing list is (imo) for enthusiasts with some
> experience,
> not raw newbies who don't know which end of a bulb goes on the bottom.
> Note that my objections to Facebook don't even touch on the issue of them
> claiming that material posted there is theirs free to use in any other
> manner.
> --
> Rodger Whitlock
> Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
> Z. 7-8, cool Mediterranean climate
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