PBS on Facebook

Bulborum Botanicum bulborum@gmail.com
Sat, 19 Oct 2013 13:04:46 PDT
I have the idea that some people get a little over-react
Nobody said that the PBS should move to Facebook
I use both (and many more fora to be kept informed)
I think people are narrow minded if you think only one source is good
I find a lot if information on Facebook the PBS , SRGS and so many other
Why not use them all

Sorry that I reacted on Lauw his post that so many of topic reactions made
(after reading this it looks very bad English)
Maybe it was a bad idea to react

I have no problem if my pictures in our group are used for the wiki


R de Boer
2238 Route de la Maugardiere

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2013/10/19 Leo A. Martin <leo@possi.org>

> I have no interest in appearing in Facebook because I view the company as
> unethical due
> to systematic privacy violations.
> Nhu said the board has no intention of moving the discussion to Facebook.
> If the PBS
> were to change direction in the future and move the discussion primarily
> or entirely to
> Facebook, I would leave the PBS immediately.
> Leo Martin
> Phoenix Arizona USA
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