Colchicum boissieri is one of the smaller species from Turkey and is distinguished by an unusual narrow, cylindrical corm that extends horizontally, producing offsets much in the manner of a stoloniferous plant. I have two forms in flower right now, which I don't think I could have mistaken for anything else because of these strange corms, yet they appear quite different. One is the plant with rather narrow, widely separated tepals shown under that name in, e.g., John Lonsdale's Edgewood Gardens photo collection. The other resembles the plant shown under that name in Peter Sheasby's "Bulbous Plants of Turkey and Iran," fig. 434; it has a more compact flower that is a little darker pink (also not tessellated) with a clearly contrasting white central zone with "rays" of white. I also have the second form flowering in the open garden. I probably sent out both forms when I was selling bulbs a few years ago, so I apologize for any confusion this has spread. I grew both of them from seed from reputable collectors, but identifying colchicums in seed is surely difficult, especially if the corms look the same. These are both very attractive, easily grown colchicums of modest size, with small, narrow leaves. Can anyone comment on the apparent discrepancy between the forms? Thanks, Jane McGary Portland, Oregon, USA