Worsleya pumice

Aad van Beek avbeek1@hotmail.com
Tue, 08 Oct 2013 12:58:05 PDT
Bought one seed of worsleya procera on ebay. And lucky me it germinated. 
Now after 4 weeks it looks like https://dropbox.com/sh/3uc9f57w700bxlk/…

Based on an article I read on the internet it was sown in pure pumice. It is my first attempt to use pumice only instead of a more traditional potting mix.

My question is how to fertilize it. Should it be diluted, regular or extra concentrated, because if I water the pumice most of the water will fall through. And should the interval of fertilizing be the same, less, or more often than when potting in a regular potting mix.

Groningen, Holland

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