Bulb videos was (Luring in younger bulb growers)

Nhu Nguyen xerantheum@gmail.com
Fri, 18 Oct 2013 08:11:35 PDT
Thanks, David for the link. If you browse through, you will find that one
of the videos featured one of our members, Lee Poulsen. It put a huge grin
on my face to see his backyard full of plants as it looks like mine and I'm
sure many other folks on this forum.

There is an advantage to videos, and that is to bring familiar names to
moving faces and gardens to people who don't often get together for
whatever reason.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a video section on our website with
interviews from the expert growers on this forum? I think that's a good way
to engage in a broader audience.


On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 5:23 AM, David Pilling <pbs@pilling.demon.co.uk>wrote:

> This is a link to a video section on the web site of a bulb seller:
> http://pontuswallstenplants.smugmug.com/Other/…
> There is our own modest effort at video here:
> http://www.youtube.com/user/PacificBulbSociety/

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