
M. Gastil-Buhl
Mon, 07 Oct 2013 07:10:20 PDT
John Wickham writes
"Is it perfectly fine to pot up seedlings, for example, as they are  

and I look forward to answers from those more experienced. But I  
cannot resist paraphrasing Ian Young from his latest bulb log where he  
says there are two ideal times of year to replant bulbs: when they are  
dormant and when the gardener has time and enthusiasm. It was a good  
laugh since I currently face a daunting backlog of re-potting and am  
trying to get this year's in-ground re-planting done before our first  
rain storm.

I will venture a guess to John's question: when the seedlings seem to  
be suffering poor growth due to crowding then maybe it is better to  
pot them up one size but otherwise stick to the 2 years growth before  
unpotting seedlings. I base that solely on advice read here at pbs,  
not experience. I myself will be glad if last year's seed pots re- 
emerge after their too-long dormancy. I only just re-hydrated my seed  
pots yesterday, about 2 months late.

This question also relates to my experiment of growing bulb seeds  
directly in soil, in raised beds. Those beds have done well, in some  
cases unbelievably well, as with the Dichelostemma which produced 12  
healthy small bulbs from 13 seeds and the Moraea polystachya which in  
one small pocket produced 3 bloom-sized corms from 3 planted sprouts.  
The latter were planted in a pocket the area of a 4-inch pot but  
effectively infinitely deep. The corms I found growing well below the  
depth of a 4-inch pot so they could not have done as well if grown  
contained. My guess is that in-soil, re-potting is not as critical and  
can skip a year or two.

- Gastil

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