I have had to stop using facebook because of all the trivia that was driving me mad! Too many french garden-lovers got in contact with me and I spent THREE hours a day at least replying to all the question!! I do miss greatly the snowdrop forum. Maybe I should make another account with a pseudonym? There are a lot of great plantspeople on Facebook and I met many new ones thru this system. But I have done so much more usefull things with my time since I left. It is an easy place to share photos but no more easy than any other system. And THEY are not flooding one with adverts,even with adblock! and snooping on every move one makes. I did meet many great people following on from meeting on facebook. It does not have to be virtual. It is a great ressource for that. Mark > Message du 17/10/13 " PBS really should take advantage of FB to promote this list. It could also > be a convenient place for list members to post pictures for the discussion > on this list. > > Jim Shields" _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list pbs@lists.ibiblio.org http://pacificbulbsociety.org/list.php http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/