Interesting. Finally, something more complicated and annoying than the Agriculture Canada rules. Does this prohibition include importing seeds from Canada? We do not have to get any permits for small lots of seeds , the horticultural kind, for now at least. I got seeds from South Africa, Germany, the United Kingdom, no problem. As for bulbs and plant material it is a different story. No permit required from the USA, but the phytosanitary certificate, shipping costs and brokerage fees (each shipment will be opened, taxed and levied a fee for "labour"), makes it so expensive that only a well to-do and determined person would consider it. I did get some tree peonies from Alderman's and a couple of grafted cornus mas (dogwood) from Oregon too, the edible kind, but can only dream about many new super hardy magnolias for my collection.The phytosanitary certificate seems to be four times as expensive on the East Coast as it is in Oregon. Any other country...and it is the same hustle as for you folks only we do not have an branch of Canada Agriculture on every corner. The permit comes from Ottawa. I do not have to send a photograph, I think. Maybe the USDA think that every seed order will come attached with a terrorist disguised as a pea pod.? All that red tape, yet the Emerald Ash Borer is destroying out trees to give an example. And how did it get here? Probably in pallets with some shipment of goods that had nothing to do with agriculture. Bea Spencer _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list