Trading weeds - a good form

Sat, 23 Feb 2013 00:42:04 PST
 Hello Andrew,
I am glad to  see  your note on the Oxalis  pes-caprea plena.
In confirm your experience.  (see…

In 2000 you sent me  a few bulbs of Oxalis lobata/perdicaria. Its beautiful 
bright yellow flowering  in November-Decembre  was a real asset to the 
nursery ; Unfortunately it  succumbed during a heavy snowstrom 2 years ago.
Kind greetings

Lauw de Jager
South of France

-----Original Message-----
 But, I will assume the stance ofprotection for its double form. Here it is 
in bloom today
( This clump of specimens has been
there for over ten years, probably longer. It does not set seed and the
bulbs do not spread. 

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