David Griffiths' Bulbs From Seed.

Jonathan Knisely jpsknisely@gmail.com
Wed, 27 Feb 2013 09:19:09 PST
Gastil communicated from the USDA: "We do plan to digitize all of the
USDA circulars in our collection, probably within the next 3 months or
so.  They will be available on this site:

That is wonderful news.  The USDA Yearbooks of Agriculture have been
among my favorite idle time relaxation reading since my teens, and
I've even purchased used volumes that weren't in my father's library
from Ebay and used booksellers.

I hope that one of the readers of this listserv will let us know, when
he or she finds these circulars actually posted on the aforementioned
website.  I'll bookmark the site now, but my bookmark list is longer
than I can get through and survey on any regular basis.  Too many
interesting things, and not enough time.

Best regards to all,

Jonathan Knisely
New Haven, CT
(Galanthus still under the residual snow from our 34" earlier this
month, and C. tommasinus showing some leaves, but no blooms yet on the
south side of the garage where the snow's melted away next to the

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