PCI growers

Kathleen Sayce ksayce@willapabay.org
Sun, 03 Feb 2013 10:28:24 PST
Greetings, PBSers, I have a general request for information from our overseas members. 

Every spring, Society for Pacific Coast Native Iris publishes a list of nurseries that sell PCI plants. We have a pretty good list for western North America, but are quite sparse elsewhere in the world. We are looking for nurseries to add, especially in the climatic areas where PCI do well, which includes parts of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, southern Chile, western Europe and the British Isles. 

PCI generally do well in zones 6-10 where summers are dry and winters are wet. They have been successfully grown in dry winter climates with added water, in hotter climates with more shade or at higher elevations. In past decades there have been SPCNI members successfully growing PCI in the Drakensburgs, South Africa, outside Mexico City, Mexico, and throughout the British Isles and in several parts of western Europe. So we are looking for those nurseries that might be offering plants, even a few, from all these regions, to make our list more complete for our members. 

If you know of a nursery in any of these areas that regularly offers PCI plants, please let me know PRIVATELY by email. 
We print the following information in our annual nursery list: name, address, email or web address, phone, and whether the nursery has onsite retail, mail order or web ordering. 

Thanks in advance,

Kathleen Sayce
PNW Coast, WHZ 8, dryish cool summers & mild wet winters

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