Hi, I am a long time lurker. Bulbs are a newer thing for me but I have had cacti and succulents for many years. I have acquired a handful of bulbs including Albucas, Ornithogalum, Lebedouria, Schizobasis and a few other misc. Last fall I picked up four Bulbine haworthioides. Three of them are doing great but one is not doing so well. All four are planted in the same size pots with the same medium under the same light and get the same amount of water. I am not quite sure what is going on with with one of them though and damaged spots have appeared on the leaves. I have inspected the leaves and don't see any visible pests. Any ideas what could be causing this? Thanks, Barb Bulbine - http://i1322.photobucket.com/albums/u571/…