
Ina klazina@orcon.net.nz
Sun, 03 Feb 2013 00:28:18 PST
Ah, that explains the leaves.


Ina Crossley
Auckland New Zealand  Zone 10

On 3/02/2013 9:15 p.m., Bulborum Botanicum wrote:
> Here the answer from Felix Fadjar Marta
> Roland
> 	3 februari 5:39
> I am also also believe that there must be some type of H.
> brachyandrus. In my planting ground sometimes I have found out H.
> brachyandrus with some with exceptionally broad petals which are very
> beautiful. As it is easy to propagate from seeds, I tried to self
> pollinate them hoping that I could get a lot of H. brachyandrus with
> broad petals. To my disappointment, I have just got quite some
> progenies with broad petals by mostly narrow petals. Apparently even
> though there are some broad leaved type, but they are mostly of
> mongrel strain.
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/bulborum/8436488232/
> 2013/2/2 Ina <klazina@orcon.net.nz>:
> Alani, this is what my H. brachyandrus looks like, what can be seen of
> the leaves, they are nothing like the one in Roland's photos, nor is the
> flower shape like that, and the brachyandrus has a dark part (don't know
> the right name for that).
> https://picasaweb.google.com/102349754034616089606…

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