OK, Ina. Well, I understand. I must explain that there was a particular reason behind that question. I am beginning to doubt whether the emphasis given to chilling in order to achieve good germination from winter-growing bulbs (especially South Africans) is fully justified. I have acepted it fully for years. In the past two my confidence in it has fallen. Let me explain. Two years ago I got an order of South African bulb seed from a reliable source (Silverhill). I sowed in the way I have done for many years. Of all the species sown only two (both Watsonia) germinated. I reported the results here over a year ago. There were chilly nights and the nighttime temperature profile matched pretty well what those species would have exprienced in South Africa (Cape Province). Disappointed, I let all the seed trays dry out in April, exposing them to sun over the summer for much of each day. In effect, I forgot all about them. It was a hot summer. I did not bother to water them in September or October. Light rain came in November but temperatures were still not cool (minima over 50F (10C) for much the month). Imagine my surprise when germination from all of the previously ungerminated trays sprang to life in a matter of a few weeks. So, disappointed by the previous year's results, I decided to simply let nature take care of it all. More rain came in December and there was now very effective germination and excellent growth without any action by myself. Only then did cold weather come. The growth of seedlings of several species of each of Geissorhiza, Sparaxis, Lachenalia, Gladiolus, Ixia, Watsonia and Ornothogalum continued and still does, although by now I am tending the trays again! The moral of the story is that chill temperatures in fall (autumn) appeared to have no effect in the two years. It seems that whatever light chill was there in November 2012 was sufficient. What was important was the aestivation process, requiring seeds from the southern hemisphere to get into synch with this part of the world. Previously, I had decried this requirement. I had never seen it was needed for seeds of other southern hemisphere seeds. All I have to offer by way of explanation is that the seeds that did not germinate the first year were truly fresh, gathered in say December 2010 or January 2011. Instead of receiving cool nights and moisture as they would in South Africa in May 2011, they were subjected to high temperatures but no moisture in San Diego until October 2011 when I first watered them. Apart from the Watsonias they did not sprout. They appear to have gone fully dormant for a full year, until Noember 2012. Seeds from related species that have grown from my own stock always germinate quickly and generally well before the temperature drops by much in October and November. Lachenalias, a bit weedy alas, even spring up in September without encouragement. Comment anyone? Andrew