Trading weeds

Peter Taggart
Sat, 09 Feb 2013 02:18:06 PST
it grows between paving stones instead of moss, in gardens where I work, I
am always asked not to spoil the display of flowers. No harm there where it
does no harm and really is pretty, just as the spring display of Ranunculus
ficaria, Anemone blanda and snowdrops are.

 In my green houses I have nearly eliminated it, which is quite easy if one
is meticulous and only weeding sand. I cant get it out of some Euphorbias
and Iris minutoaurea so it always comes back!
Peter (UK)

On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 1:04 AM, Alberto Castillo

> Incredibly, some people keep corniculata because it is "pretty".

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