David Griffiths' Bulbs From Seed.

M. Gastil-Buhl gastil.buhl@gmail.com
Wed, 27 Feb 2013 07:21:57 PST
Good news.
The National Agricultural Library at the USDA has an online form for  
asking questions so I enquired last Friday
"Are there plans to digitize the USDA circulars from the 1920's and  
30's written by David Griffiths at the Bellingham Bulb Station?"
And this morning they replied

"We do plan to digitize all of the USDA circulars in our collection,  
probably within the next 3 months or so.  They will be available on  
this site: http://archive.org/details/…. "

Tax dollars well spent if you ask me.
- Gastil

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