INverse poculiform snowdrops and roman legionnaires

Thu, 21 Feb 2013 13:03:28 PST
Dear Jim,
That describes exactly an inverse poculiform snowdrop as just as I had suspected!!
They are so like leathery flaps hanging down! And they are becoming more and more ornamented as each new seedling or hybrid appears.
I fear now that there is no-one with any imagination to use the term of pterugiform which is perfect for my mind!
Sad world. I hate the term of inverse poculiform it is postively barbaric!! It is not precise to talk of an inverse wine goblet! Nonsense!!
Many thanks also for jogging my mind about funnels.
I had just forgotten. It is a rare word.
Kind regards,

> Message du 21/02/13 18:34
> De : "Jim McKenney" 
> A : "Pacific Bulb Society" 
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: [pbs] Reverse poculiform snowdrops and roman legionnaires
> I'm no expert on Roman military garb, so I also did some Googling to see what I could find. 
> As Mark hinted by placing the word skirt in quotes, there was no skirt (in the sense used in modern women's clothing)  from what I read. What looks like a skirt in pictures is actually an array of straps which hang down from a belt at the waist. These straps were used to hang/store/display weapons, mementos et al. It sounds to me a bit like the modern carpenters' belt. The straps had a name, pteruges  , akin to the classical Greek word for wing. In other words, it was not a skirt (in the modern fashion sense)  but rather a column or screen of  of flaps hanging from a belt at the waist. Under it the soldier wore a loincloth. 
> Mark also asked about the word infundibuliform: in a botanical context it usually means funnel shaped. 
> Jim McKenney
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