Import permits

Karl Church
Fri, 22 Feb 2013 19:12:17 PST
Thanks Richard
I didn't plan on not getting a permit if I choose to order.
On Feb 22, 2013 6:37 PM, "Richard" <> wrote:

> We're a certified nursery as is every nursery in the US that ships
> interstate, or exports to Canada. We are inspected every year for
> Phytopthera ramorum, (Sudden Oak Death), an introduced fungus that infects
> many species including liliaceae. This disease is present in GB, the EU,
> Sweden, Italy, and certain locations in North America. Here the disease
> apparently is spread on nursery stock from commercial nurseries. We are
> fearful of an infection at our bare-root, field grown nursery, a positive
> would essentially shut down our operations until we could demonstrate the
> nursery is disease free. Our only defense is to essentially quarantine our
> nursery by only propagating from seed and avoiding any plant material
> import, also keeping customer cars and trucks away from our fields since
> the disease is soil borne. In neighboring British Columbia, standards for
> commercial nurseries are even more restrictive than here in Washington.
> Before the annual inspection by APHIS, here in the US anyway,  many
> commercial nurseries apply heavy doses of fungicides that suppress these
> fungi, making it unlikely, even if the disease is present it will  be
> detected. There are millions of dollars at stake for the nurseryman. As a
> result nursery stock is the primary agent of distribution for this disease.
> Nurseries who ship intrastate only and individuals moving plants around are
> not regulated. This disease in warm, humid climates like coastal northern
> California, has escaped to native plant populations. This is a serious
> problem, one that I have been told by APHIS that eventually we will lose.
> In certain California locations, the disease is endemic in native flora
> surrounding commercial nurseries and gardens.
> I have no problem bringing seed onto our farm. A good seed collection is
> totally clean.Any debris collected in the seed cleaning  process should be
> burned or sent to a landfill. Once the disease becomes established in our
> native plant populations, our viburmums, maples, rhododendrons, douglas fir
> and many, many perennials seed acquisition for our seed propagation of
> native plants will become very difficult. Just from the standpoint of this
> single disease I think the standards should be expanded to include movement
> of live plant material from all nurseries and private gardens. Current
> standards have been a political decision that will eventually bite us all.
> Unfortunately diagnosis of this disease is very difficult. Symptoms vary
> greatly between species. In a briefing from APHIS last year we were told
> the list of susceptible plant species and families keeps expanding and will
> likely continue.  I would suggest when bringing plant material on to your
> garden it  be isolated for a period if time and to submit any diseased
> material for diagnosis. And please let the regulatory system function.
> Rich H
> Bellingham, Wa.,
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