disinfecting seeds - was Import permits

M. Gastil-Buhl gastil.buhl@gmail.com
Sat, 23 Feb 2013 08:51:53 PST
Hi Richard,

I took what you wrote to heart. Your precautions for your nursery  
sound wise.
You wrote "let the regulatory system function."

My intention in writing to pbs about import permits was to encourage  
people to play the game by the rules, to get a permit.
I am so sorry if what I wrote implied I was suggesting anyone bypass  
the regulatory system.
Of the 3 orders I have imported, all 3 got to me without any apparent  
The most recent was mailed from South Africa on Feb 4 and arrived at  
my door Feb 18, having been forwarded from the Plant Inspection  
Station in San Diego.

The imported seeds are subject to inspection for prohibited species.
And I certainly do not want my neighbors to import an Oxalis pes- 
caprae that sets seeds, for example.

But maybe the biggest danger is from the smallest organisms, microbes.
You mention taking care to dispose of the "debris collected in the  
seed cleaning process".
But I guess that microbes on pods or chaff may have already inoculated  
the seeds.
I wonder if perhaps I should request the seeds be treated prior to  
export, when that is available.
Would you recommend treatment of seeds upon receipt with a dry  
fungicide powder?
Or would a brief bleach soak and rinse just prior to sowing be  
Or is that unnecessary?

- Gastil

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