Eucrosia biflora
Wed, 21 Jun 2006 04:54:23 PDT
Dear John,

I've tried to self Eucrosia with no luck. And also, I think it is E. bicolor rather than
E. biflora.


> Are Eucrosia self fertile? I have one bulb just finishing but two others that should
> open simultaneously and I was hoping 2 B able to get some seed set from them to increase
> my collection. I've pollinated the single stem with it's own pollen. Time will tell
>   Since all my plants were from the same supplier, I am not sure if they are offsets,
> seedlings or from cuttage of the same bulb. Are seedlings from the same parent
> considered different enough for plants that require seperate clones to produce seeds??
>   Oh, and one other question, why are they called biflora when 5 flowers are on the
> stem??
> John Ingram in L.A., CA.
> "Your Clivia Connection"
> 310.709.1613 (cell, west coast time, please call accordingly. Thank you)
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