Aril Society International

James Waddick
Tue, 20 Jun 2006 11:35:17 PDT
Dear Lee and all others who have concerns:

>1. Are they, even the species, any easier to grow in climates like
>those in California?

	1. They should be considerably easier in S. CA than here in 
the midwest. They prefer cool to cold winter and hot dry summers. 
S\Winter and spring wet is OK, but dry otherwise. If kept 
sufficiently dry in summer they are fine. Some growers cover them 
with glass or dig them i summer and hang them dry in a shady spot. 
Mine grow outdoors all year and those that survive - most  - do fine. 
They get some snow cover in winter and an occasional summer shower.

>2. Excuse my complete ignorance, but how are Arils different than--or
>the same as--Junos?

	2. Yes you get the complete ignorance award. I am surprised 
!, but I will be kind.

	The genus iris has 6 major divisions. The best known are the 
bearded iris- all kinds including garden /German/tall bearded etc. 
All other iris are beardless or bulbous (or both) including the 
Junos. Arils (rhizomateous) are very different from Junos (bulbous) 
except I grow mine in the same bed.

	Bearded iris consist of 6 divisions. All have seeds with 
arils except for garden/tall bearded types. These Arillate types are: 
Oncocyclus, Regelia, Pseudoregelia, Psammiris and Hexapogons. The 
first two groups are most commonly grown, but the species are 
generally a bit trickier except in a  drier (Mediterranean) climates 
such as yours. They can in general be crossed with tall bearded iris 
and the resulting hybrids--"aril-breds'  -- show the best of both: 
exotic aril iris flowers, forms, colors, patterns and tall bearded 
easier to grow, hardier, etc.  These hybrids can be 50/50 and be 
totally intermediate; 25/75 in either direction or show other 
combination. The more 'aril', the closer they resemble the aril 
parents and may be harder to grow.
	Not always.

	Take a look at the web site. I grow a dozen-15 named aril 
bred hybrids -  all showing their the deep dark aril spot on the fall 
or the heavily veined, smoky patterns.  I grow a few species among 
the easiest here are I stolonifera, and  I. hoogiana. There are also 
some lovely old Dutch hybrids that the Dutch still offer in their 
fall catalogs.

	Trust me, Lee, you and other S. CA should find these 'easy' 
and intriguing. Here's a couple of my easy favorites:

	'Syrian Moon'
	'Desert Fury'
	'Kalifa's Robe'
	'Syrian Princess'

	These names come immediately to mind without going out and 
looking at labels. Do try some.

		Best	Jim W.

Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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