On trilliums and more

Antennaria@aol.com Antennaria@aol.com
Sun, 04 Jun 2006 21:59:22 PDT
Hello Matt et al, 

Yes indeed, you are indeed a relative "neighbor", and I'm happy to se tour 
posting.  Regarding your report of seeing the native Painted Trillium, 
T.undulatum, it is indeed a beauty.  I don't grow it, but have seen it flowering around 
the base of Mt. Washington in New Hampshire.  There are so many wonderful 
trillium to grow.  I hear that this species is difficult.

>Mark, where does T. cuneatum fit on your list, or is 
>it on the Key, and I just haven't looked yet?

I haven't grown T. cuneatum yet... there are so many eastern USA species, I 
have only scratched at the surface.  And quite frankly, it has taken 
enthusiastic research and wonderlust of an Englishman, John Lonsdale, to bring our own 
native flora to such forefront.  Thanks John, for sharing with me these 
wonderful Trillium, which are increasing and beginning to seed about (from my 
scratching in the seed into the mulch beds) when seed is set, but seed prospects this 
season look unlikely due to the high level of rain and aborting pods.

Regarding Ornithogalum, I have one from Jane McGary that I planted 3 years 
ago... still haven't seen flowers yet.  I can't remember the name, and would 
have to run out in the rain to remind myself of the name... I do think there are 
good Ornithogalum to grow.

> Today, the white camassia which we're so well budded, are rotted.

I'm, sorry to hear that.  I have a raised sand bed where I grow C. 
leichtlinii 'Semiplena', and after a good number of years, it has now increased and 
currently has fourteen 3'-tall flowering stems with showy creamy off-white 
flowers... one of my favs.  This year, the tips of the long candles of bloom are 
browning (too much rain), but for the most part it looks to be a good year.  On 
the other hand, my mature clump of Eremurus stenophyllus started sprouting this 
year, but turned to mush in the heaavy rains, and finally perished.

Mark McDonough Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States 
antennaria@aol.com "New England" USDA Zone 5
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