Ixiolirion tataricum

Antennaria@aol.com Antennaria@aol.com
Sun, 04 Jun 2006 20:59:15 PDT
In a message dated 6/4/06 2:26:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time, "Pacific Rim" 
paige@hillkeep.ca writes:
More than a decade ago, still unaware of what was truly hard to come by, I 
sowed seeds of I. tataricum from an exchange which, lucklily, proved to be 
true. Our stand continues to multiply both vegetatively and by seed. Demand 
for bulbs is scant because they are so cheap from Dutch growers. But the 
blue of the flowers is so electric and the trumpets are so conical, this is 
a plant that is fundamental even though easy to grow.

Just as yoghurt, garlic, wine and other essentials should not be passed 

Paige Woodward

Well, it's good to hear that that the plant multiplies and grows well for at 
least one respondant.  Paige, what sort of garden conditions do you give this 
plant.  I planted the bulbs here last autumn, at the edge of a 12-15" high 
raised sand bed (covered with pink bark mulch), but it's basically growing in 
sand with a trifle of loam mixed in.  It would be nice if my plants were 
long-lived, but time will tell if it the corms get a dry enough summer rest... but I 
assume the raised sand bed helps ensure that happens.  Even if they don't prove 
long-lived, the bulbs are cheap enough in the fall, to replant every now and 

Mark McDonough Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States 
antennaria@aol.com "New England" USDA Zone 5
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