Dear all; I thought I'd tell you my beautiful failure to grow Alstroemeria. Last summer as fall approached, I thought it would be a good idea to try growing some full size/tall hybrid Alstroemeria in my cool greenhouse for mid-winter bloom. I arranged a few trades from members of this list and others and ended up with nearly a dozen 2,5 and 10 gall pots of Alstroemeria roots in a range of colors. They soon settled down and began to grow. As planned they didn't seem to mind the frost free, but cool greenhouse and the reduced winter light we get here. But there was no bloom. I waited until Feb, March, April and they got more and more vigorous, green and lush; soon filling their pots. As April approached the weather warmed and they began to spend some time outside the greenhouse on mild days. By the end of April flower buds finally appeared and by the first of May the first few flowers opened, but the plants were fully outside the greenhouse day and night. Then I left the country for 3 weeks+. On my return they are all in gorgeous bloom in various shades of pink, red, purple and orange (no yellow or white by coincidence). They are now lining my front walk and look great. So my planned ultimately failed. Not one bloomed in the greenhouse at all, but I can't complain since they look so good now. Maybe this fall, I'll get them into the greenhouse a bit earlier and get something to bloom in Feb. IN THE GREENHOUSE. Try again. Best Jim W. ps OR are their early blooming or cool season hybrids I SHOULD have tried? Grow first and ask questions afterward. -- Dr. James W. Waddick 8871 NW Brostrom Rd. Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711 USA Ph. 816-746-1949 Zone 5 Record low -23F Summer 100F +