I did not mean to convey the idea that they were tricky to grow. Only the species and a few of the hybrids that are closer to the species. However, they grow better in California than other places, for the most part. Most arilbreds can be grown in the average garden if the drainage is sharp to medium OK. The species are another matter and do need sharp rainage, but what I referred to as a no-no,. is their relative unavailabilty or the difficulty of trying to grow species from seed. They are no more difficult than some of the trickier Junos where how you hold your mouth when you water them can kill them, make them sick or make them thrive. The strongest growers historically, in the ASI were in southern California or the southwest. And still are. They can tolerate lots of rain e.g., 70" a year if the drainage is good, lots of calcium , gravel, and minimal humus. And Jim.... Just type Aril Society International into your browser search slot instead of trying to remember or paste the URL in. Sorry-- we don't have a second-place stupid award. Cheers, Adam