Hello, As the other sole midwest voice I'll give my two cents! I have seen all the same Trillium as John Lonsdale in the wild. The Trillium cannot be beat in early spring. They are fabulous, but sadly short seasoned. This season is already fading. The only Trillium still standing are those that set seed. Even the early Phlox are done, with the summer ones just starting. Now waiting for the first of the good trumpet Lilium to start. If you want scent, find a wild location of discolor and walk in to the woods during peak bloom. This past spring I found a site that, upon exiting the car, smelled of lemon cream soda! It was amazing. Some cuneatum are orangy-vanilla scented, and some pumpkin bread, and some.... Then there are the putrid species: the aptly named foetidissimum, and stamineum, which is like the worst foot fungus you could imagine in full bloom on a warm day. For foilage the sessile species cannot be beat. Decipiens take the cake and then a form of underwoodii that forms decent clumps. Reliquum provides the same, if slightly earlier effect. The pedicillates provide bloom later, except for the early pusillum complex. Ozarkanum in one form is miniature, the other wild populations I've seen are quite large, relatively. Here a half hour south of Jim Waddick, grandifloum forms decent clumps, but I do have and excess of limestone a foot or less under the topsoil. Sadly though vaseyi & simile have done the worst. Most attribute it to the heat, but I think it may be more the lack of water when the new roots initiate in late May, just as the 3 month drought begins each year. I am trying something new this year, fingers crossed. Hybrids between rugelli and vaseyi have done well and clumped up. To bad the flowers are pendant. I grow all of the eastern species, plus some, and most have performed really well. Some selections have done better than others, but few have been picky as to location. A decent soil with some supplemental moisture suits them well. Catesbaei wants sandier soil, but I do have one clone from the mountains of South Carolina that grows over amphobolite (higher pH) that has done extremely well in the garden here. What about Paris? They have done moderatley well here, and the flowers last, and last. All the best, Aaron Floden __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com/