Propagating Tulips

Teevan, Cathy J.
Wed, 21 Jun 2006 17:27:04 PDT
Hello, this is my first post. I live in Long Island, NY.  

I have a friend who desperately wants to learn how to take the seed from
his mother's tulips (I think this is the problem as I understand it at
least) and grow new tulips. Yes, I know this is not your average
gardening activity.  I was so impressed with your recent discussion
about "growing" vs "growing" that I had to read more.  And considered
someone out there might possibly have tried GROWING tulips, the way this
novice gardening friend (who does not know what the "pods" at the top of
the stems are after it flowers) wants to grow them.

Initially I said to myself, This person is so nieve, this person just
doesn't understand that no one does that.

But after hearing the story, my new attitude is, Why not?  If one has
the time and inclination, there is nothing wrong with this.  And then I
stumbled on your posts about "growing".  He may be more of a gardener
than I.  Because I never seem to really grow anything.  

Does anyone have any advice about this project?  What conditions are
needed for Tulip Seed to germinate?  What kind of summer conditions do
you give the bulb?  

How does one "chip" (as they call it in the Lily business - I have not
tried this yet but it is on my list of things to do, does that make me a
gardener?) a Tulip bulb?  Is this like getting bulblets and growing

I have a lot to learn.  At least it's less than my friend.  RSVP.


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