I don't think I would call that double-flowered white Camassia ugly, but I have to admit that when I grew it about twenty years ago I wasn't sure what to make of it. From a distance of a few yards it looks like the tuberose cultivar 'The Pearl' (which is sometimes called simply 'Pearl'). I would say the one to have is Camassia leichtlinii in a good blue form. It's a carefree plant in this garden, and a mass in full bloom is beautiful if fleeting. Jane, please tell us more about the cultivar of Camassia quamash called 'Puget Blue'. I've had Camassia quamash in several forms over the years, but it's so short compared to C. leichtlinii that it's harder to place in the garden. When you described 'Puget Blue' as large, were you describing the size of the flower of the height of the plant? The context seems to suggest that you had height in mind. Is that so? How tall is it? Jim McKenney Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where some of the modern super lilies are already over seven feet high.