Well, here in Santa Clara County, we do have a record of chill hours and routinely give out that information. Now as to whether the master gardener answering the phone knows anything about the chill hours required of different peonies, that is a different matter. I doubt it. The chill hours are usually used to explain why certain healthy fruit trees aren't bearing fruit as we live in a climate that is best served by trees requiring less chill hours. Of course, the nurseries will sell you what you want. We recently had a 'Peony outing" where a small group was invited to a historical place tightly controlled as to whether any visitor was ever allowed on the property. (what a shame and I doubt if that is what the benefactor intended). There was a very large collection of Tree Peonies on the grounds. We were all asked to bring whatever knowledge of peonies we had, to share with the group. I claim to know next to nothing about peonies, my father grew lots of them in Kansas and I loved them, still do. To my amazement I knew more about Peonies than any of the other mg's in the group, and that wasn't much. I am a Master Gardener but in all honestly, I think what little knowledge I have I came into the program with. There are a few very knowledgeable people in there, and the rest. There are a lot of people who have book knowledge but little gardening knowledge and lately many recent retirees who have corporate knowledge and are turning it into a mess of reports and paperwork. They haven't mentally retired yet. One of my friends husband refers to the master gardeners as master hard workers. He is appalled at how much free labor they do. So yes, I agree, the better answer is on this forum. Carolyn Craft