Jim Yes, we're still here, lurking! We can get more of the Amatola Z. aethiopica seeds when Cameron goes there again in late September. I have seen this species growing in many different hab.tats and elevations in South Africa. We still have seeds (fresh!) of the 'Marshmallow' variety that you got from us when we traded under the 'Croft' name (which we had to give up when we sold the property). I will send some to the PBX. Jim wrote: <We really ought to try to get some more of those Amatola seeds. Cameron <and Rhoda, are you still out there? <I have some seedlings, bloom size or near to, of Z. aethiopica with a pink <cast to the flowers. I can't recall where they originated, but the old <Croft Wild Bulb Nursery was also the source of these. Rhoda in a rather 'hot' Napier - 25C today, a deluge must be approaching. Website: http://www.africanbulbs.com/