Dear Terence, Many Amaryillid species will continue to grow the first year and you can try to keep them growing so the bulb will get bigger. Others no matter what you try to do to keep them going die back and are best kept dry until time for them to be in growth again. Most are best kept in their seedling pots as disturbing them when they are young leads to loss. So a lot of us start them in larger pots so they can easily stay in the same place for a couple of years. Or you can move them carefully when they are in growth again to a bigger pot. Protect them from the heat and sun by moving them into a shady spot. Some people water their seedling pots occasionally when dormant. This is best on a cool day. When we were doing the topic of the week our first topic was growing from seed. You could check out what was said by looking at the archives:… You should check out the no subject ones too since these posts were took place when we had another server and I and some helpers spent weeks trying to get them in a format so we could archive them when we moved to ibiblio and we ended up with a few glitches in spite of our best efforts. We continued to discuss difficult seeds that month and the next. From time to time I like to give a plug to IBSA. People who are interested in growing South African bulbs I think would find it a great group to join. Recently a number of people at one of their meetings shared their seed starting techniques and this was written up for those of us who are unable to attend their meetings in South Africa. I hope this helps. Mary Sue