New pictures on the wiki

Mary Sue Ittner
Thu, 22 Jun 2006 16:59:43 PDT

Unfortunately we still haven't come up with a solution to our wiki security 
issues. Linda Foulis has volunteered to help us and is spending some time 
on this for which we are very grateful. In the meantime Susan, Jay, and I 
can add photos for others.

My husband was fortunate last week to be able to take a trip to the Cedars 
which is an area in Sonoma County, California known for its Cupressus 
sargentii, Sargent Cypress, rugged cliffs and serpentine soils. Like a lot 
of areas with serpentine soils there are some unusual plants including a 
rare Calochortus, Calochortus raichei named after plantsman Roger Raiche, 
one of the owners of this undeveloped special property. It looks like a 
yellow Calochortus albus. I added some of Bob's pictures to the Calochortus 
wiki page including a number of habitat shots.…

The purple leafed Epipactis gigantea was found there too. I think we have 
discussed this orchid in the past. The one I purchased died, but it 
probably wasn't wet enough for it where I planted it. I've added pictures 
of the amazing leaves.…

There are a number of bulbs that grow at the Cedars including a natural 
hybrid of Calochortus amabilis and Calochortus tolmiei, but it gets quite 
hot in the summer and the others were finished blooming. C. raichei is a 
late bloomer. In order to get in to this property you have to cross the 
creek multiple times so need a 4 wheel drive or truck with high clearance 
(and permission from the owners.)

Mary Sue

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