Wiki back online, but read-only

James Yourch
Tue, 13 Jun 2006 11:45:39 PDT
Hi all,

As you may already know, the PBS wiki has been under attack and Mary Sue
pulled the plug on it yesterday evening.  Today I made some changes to
the wiki configuration files and plugged it back in, so it is working
again.  The changes prevent anonymous logins so unless you have a valid
id and password you can't create new pages, change existing pages, or
upload files.  Read-only activities, such as browsing wiki pages or
viewing photos, are permitted.  If you have something you would like to
add to the wiki please hold off until we get a chance to address the
security issues.  If it is really urgent, you can e-mail me with the
images or text changes and I will do my best to add them promptly.




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