Blue Iris needs ID

Dennis Kramb
Fri, 09 Jun 2006 15:31:12 PDT
>Iris versicolor, easy from seed, is a more northern species that does very
>well here.  I. virginiensis, supposedly native to Indiana, is not so
>vigorous in my garden; but I have it in light shade.  I. fulva lasted a few
>years and bloomed nicely, but dwindled gradually away.

All of these will thrive and multiply vigorously if given plenty of 
moisture.  I grow mine in a pond with the rhizomes just below the 
surface of the water (this prevents iris borer from damaging them).

I have a spectrum of Iris fulva ranging from yellow to dark red, with 
just about every step inbetween.  The big hit this spring was one 
nicknamed "butterscotch".  It was delicious!  :-)

Dennis in Cincinnati

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