Jane, Here as the same. Tried it seveal years and consistently disappeared. I decided that it is not adapted to the mediterranean climate and was removed from our catalogue. Greetings Lauw le 3/06/06 19:20, Jane McGary à janemcgary@earthlink.net a écrit : > I've bought bulbs of Ixiolirion tataricum several times; they're readily > available from commercial Dutch sources. However, I've never managed to > establish them in the garden. I don't know whether the bulbs are badly > affected by storage and shipping, or whether they simply don't tolerate > mild, wet winter conditions (as might be true of a steppe plant). Lauw de Jager http://www.bulbargence.com/ South of France (Climat méditerranéen; zone 8 Olivier) Latitude 34° N Altitude: 4m