On trilliums and more

Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net
Sun, 04 Jun 2006 12:27:03 PDT
Matt asked,

My second advice ( or third!) request is a Peony issue - Paeonia
>californica. I received a seedling from John Lonsdale, and he told me to
>keep it protected in the cold greenhouse during our cold winters.. I am
>quite unfamiliar with this plant, so any advice on what I should expect and
>do with it would be appreciated! Plunge it? Large pot? Soil? Dormancy?

This is essentially the same as P. brownii but from a more southerly range, 
so probably less cold-hardy. I had P, californica on the rock garden for 
about 5 years, and it survived temperatures in the single digits 
Fahrenheit, but did not flourish. I suggest you keep your seedling in a pot 
of moderate size over the coming winter, and pay attention to the fall 
issue of the Rock Garden Quarterly, which will contain an article by Paige 
Woodward on P. brownii and P. californica.

Incidentally, and this is a real shot in the dark, I'm searching for 
someone to contribute something (short or long) on small ferns of Australia 
and New Zealand for that same issue. Do any of our readers in the Antipodes 
have suggestions?

Jane McGary
Editor, NARGS

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