Iris and Roscoea wiki updates
Thu, 08 Jun 2006 15:06:48 PDT
Hello folks,

I updated the PBS wiki pages with the following additions:

1.  Replaced old (poor) photo of Iris henryi with two new ones taken this 

2.  Added a new photo taken today in the rain, of Iris gracilipes var. alba 
"Buko Form", perhaps one of the choicest Iris of all.…

3.  Added 4 photos plus commentary on Roscoea cautleoides.
My plants are light yellow and notoriously difficult to get good color 
rendition in a digital photo... the color always look white or washed out.  I took a 
couple additional photos today in the pouring rain.…

Regarding Roscoea, I'm curious as to why I frequently see the species name 
spelled "cautleyoides", and wonder if it did have an alternate spelling at one 
point, or is it just a spelling corruption.  

Checking out the online Flora of China at...…
satisfies my curiousity whether this species is mixed up in cultivation or 
really as variable in the wild as cultivated plants might indicate.  Certainly 
some nursery websites show a range of forms and flowering times that make one 
wonder if it's all one species.

Sure enough, in the Flora of China, it's reported as growing 6-24" (15-60 cm) 
tall, flowering  before or with the foliage, flowering anytime between May - 
August depending on the colony, with flowers that can be yellow, purple, 
white, or less commonly pink.

Mark McDonough Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States "New England" USDA Zone 5
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