[pbs ] Calla Lilies/Arum Lilies

Jacinda and Barry barryandjac@bigpond.com
Thu, 15 Jun 2006 22:03:12 PDT
Hi Angela,

Re; Arum lilies, by "every little bit" do you mean the roots as well as the
corms or just bits of the corms?  (Please excuse my ignorance!)

Also can anyone advise me on the best aspect to grow Calla lilies in.  they
seem to be languishing in the shade and seem to be doing better in the
garden or in pots in half day sun/part shade.

What have other people found?

> Hi Jacinda - I had Arum lilies in Perth in a dry spot, and they were never
> problem.  But you find a damp spot and they not only "take off" but are
> extremely hard to dig up - every little bit left grows, and roundups no
> either. I have never known canna lilies to be a problem in WA
> Angela

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