
James Waddick
Sat, 17 Jun 2006 13:37:55 PDT
Dear all;
	I am sure I have babbled about my Zantedeschia trials in Zone 5 KC.

	'Green Goddess' has been a no brainer for years until I 
finally yanked it all as too ugly. Mostly green flowers are just not 
my favorites.

	A. albmaculata grew right against a mid-town sidewalk for 
years, bloomed and multiplied until I moved out.

	I am a bit ashamed to admit I haven't grown any of the more 
colorful Calla cv (there I said it!) until this year. I have 4 mixed 
tubers from a box store that I'll eventually plant out and see what 
makes it.

	I especially like the various 'Calla-fornia' mix and some of 
the named one look really good like 'Cameo', 'Black Eyed Beauty' and 
'Mango'. These look great.

	I have routinely killed Z. aethiopica. It hasn't even 
wintered well in a cool greenhouse.

	There are quite a few named cvs in a range of sizes. Many are 
rated to Zone 6 and I should try some others here in Z 5.

		Best 	Jim W.

ps to Jim S. I think you mean Calla palustris which really does 
better further north.  We are on the edge and it suffers in summer 

Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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