Dear all; I am sure I have babbled about my Zantedeschia trials in Zone 5 KC. 'Green Goddess' has been a no brainer for years until I finally yanked it all as too ugly. Mostly green flowers are just not my favorites. A. albmaculata grew right against a mid-town sidewalk for years, bloomed and multiplied until I moved out. I am a bit ashamed to admit I haven't grown any of the more colorful Calla cv (there I said it!) until this year. I have 4 mixed tubers from a box store that I'll eventually plant out and see what makes it. I especially like the various 'Calla-fornia' mix and some of the named one look really good like 'Cameo', 'Black Eyed Beauty' and 'Mango'. These look great. I have routinely killed Z. aethiopica. It hasn't even wintered well in a cool greenhouse. There are quite a few named cvs in a range of sizes. Many are rated to Zone 6 and I should try some others here in Z 5. Best Jim W. ps to Jim S. I think you mean Calla palustris which really does better further north. We are on the edge and it suffers in summer here. -- Dr. James W. Waddick 8871 NW Brostrom Rd. Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711 USA Ph. 816-746-1949 Zone 5 Record low -23F Summer 100F +