Myster bulbs Watsonia

Lauw de Jager
Sun, 01 Jun 2003 22:30:53 PDT
Dear Dave and Anne Marie,
Indeed identification is not that easy; here I got also a few forms 
which are difficult to place (all around 100cm high) The limited height
of Anne marie's plants narrows the choice down.
 In New zealand (Terry Hatch) and in Australia (David Cooke) also have
been making hybrids, which were mentioned in a discussion 3 years ago:
 Will Ashburner:" Good of you to mention Dave Cooke's website.  He has
actually published names for some hybrids in Australia. I've also seen
photos of other really nice forms on the website of David Cooke in Australia."

David Fenwick a *crit :
 Us Europeans have to be a little careful in identifying American Watsonias,
> especially those from California.
> Identification can be a problem anyhow and because Watsonia easily hybridise
> as you well know; but in California there is an added problem, there were
> many hybrids bred by a local breeder called Mrs. J. H. Bullard of Los
> Angeles, which we know very little about.
> Her hybrids were described as remarkable and of a wide colour range. There
> is further mention in the book I have that refers to a W. iridifolia
> 'O'Brienii', which must have been available, and I never seen a 'modern'
> reference to this one at all.

Lauw de Jager 
BULB'ARGENCE, 30300 Fourques, France

"GUIDE POUR BULBES  MÉDITERRANÉENS": 116 pages, 400 photos, prix 10 E
Expedition des bulbes à floraison estivale est terminé.
Prochaine catalogue en juin

Région:  Provence/Camargue, Climat zone: 9a Mediterranean, dr y
July-August, peak rainfall in autumn, minimum temps -3-7°C (28-21F)
Reference vegetation: Arbutus unedo, Olea europeaea,

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