Ipheion from Argentina

GermánRoitman ggroiti@mail.agro.uba.ar
Thu, 05 Jun 2003 07:10:15 PDT
Hi all:

As Alberto will be away for few days i will try to give the little 
information i have in this subject.

First: Ipheion or Nothoscordum?

As there is no complete revision of none of this genus, and some of the 
species have also been included in Tristagma recently there is enough 
confusion about what can be considered Nothoscordum and Ipheion. In both 
genus there are species with one-flowered inflorescences and geotropical 
incurved-decumbent scapes which had been the features used to separate both 
genus. In a broad sense it could be wiser to include all this species in 
Nothoscordum, but as there is a very big genus (in the last 3 years almost 
30 species has been described by Ravenna) and the species are so difficult 
to identify i prefer to use the old boundaries of Ipheion and Nothoscordum 
untill a more comprehensive study is performed.

Habitat and distribution:

Nothoscordum (Ipheion) vittatum. Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina in 
grasslands, flowering from april to june.

Nothoscordum (Ipheion) hirtellum. Uruguay and Argentina in grasslands, 
flowering from april to june.

Both species use to live together. During the summer the bulbs remain 
dormant. The rainfall is higher during spring and autumn but there is no 
dry season.

Finally about the "rock sown" (coarse sand) i used it for most of my bulbs 
as the main substrate.

Best wishes


At 08:28 p.m. 04/06/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>For the wiki pages can some of you experts tell us whether the pictures 
>from Germán should be on the Ipheion page or the Nothoscordum page? We 
>have some of the other yellow ones on the Nothoscordum page. Is there any 
>consensus about what is the best name to use. And can Germán or Alberto 
>tell us any more about the plants pictured. Are they only found in 
>Argentina and in what habitats? Are they as long blooming as some of the 
>others? Obviously they are winter growers. But do they have year round 
>Thanks for any information and for sharing the pictures which I reduced a 
>little in size.
>Mary Sue
>pbs mailing list

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