Dear All, Our pbs wiki is a great resource for people who are wanting not only to see a picture of a geophyte but to learn more about it. When someone goes to Google and puts in the name of one of the plants pictured on our wiki pages, within a few weeks after the picture has been put up quite often one of the choices will be our pbs wiki page that contains that picture. And at least on one species I checked it was the very first choice! I want to compliment Paul and Angelo for not only adding the interesting Arum pictures, but for writing something about them. As Paul models so well if you are going to write that something is blooming you need to add when and where. You never know when someone will search for that picture and blooming "now" will be a mystery later as most people won't look through all the revised pages to see when the picture was added. It's fine to say blooming now in my garden to our group in an email, but if you are going to mention about when a plant is blooming on the page more information is needed. If you have created a wiki page for yourself (which we hope everyone will who uses the wiki) with information about where you live and you have continued to link your photos people can at least discover the hemisphere and perhaps how cold it gets where you live, when it rains, etc. That information will be very helpful. Telling about the plant not only provides a service to those people wanting to know more, but it gives credibility to our wiki. When I have time I try to add text to our wiki and so does Mark M., but we don't always have the time and may not grow the plant in question so will have limited knowledge about it so when I see that someone has added interesting text to go with the plant, it makes me very happy!!! :-) Mary Sue