Ipheion from Argentina

Alberto Castillo ezeizabotgard@hotmail.com
Thu, 05 Jun 2003 06:42:17 PDT
Dear Mary Sue and Jennifer:
                                       The coarse sand (this is the 
material) is not really a cover but most of the bulk of the actual mix. The 
other two ingredients (perlite and commercial compost) have been wahed off 
the surface to it looks like pure coarse sand. All the advantages of a 
grit/coarse sand/gravel mulch have been excellently described by Robert.
                                        As things are both species in 
German's superb images are Nothoscordums and had been known as Ipheions in 
the past. They are gorgeous and flower about the begiining of winter (a time 
of the year when there are not many bulbs. Yes, they receive year round rain 
in the wild, the bulbs have perennial roots and flower abundantly for a long 
time. Seed setting is not easy in cultivation nor they do offset abundantly. 
Full sun and frost free conditions would be perfect for them although in th 
ewild they receive many slight frosts but during a mild winter where day 
temperatures can be pleasant. Both vittatum and hirtellum are found in E 
Argentina and in Uruguay in open pastures and never in low ground.

Charla con tus amigos en lĂ­nea mediante MSN Messenger: 

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