James WaddickDoug Westfall jwaddick@kc.rr.com1111 Claiborne Dr. Long Beach, CA > Doug; > Don't know where you live, but assume he Calochortus is > blooming now. One of two survivors out of a dozen. I expect a second flower > soon. Can anyone with experience growing Calochortus in colder > climate suggest other survivors? > Wish there were more and easier. > Jim, I live in So. CA. We have a mountain home in Sequoia at the 5500 - 6000 ft level. We get winter snow and ice (we have had snow 6ft deep). The Calochortus do very well there. just keep them from freezing. I find that they do very well in a mix of 50% sand and 50% peat or pine needle mulch. They should be planted 6 to 8 inches deep in a 2 to 5 gal. pot (plastic works just fine). While they do not want to be watered after the seeds set, I never overlook an occasional light "sprinkle." C. venustus comes in several colors and C. albus comes in 3 or 4 colors. I think that I have a rose colored one on the PBS wiki. Doug