Cyrtanthus species and hybrids

Bill Dijk
Mon, 16 Jun 2003 18:15:33 PDT
Hi Folks,

As promised a while ago I have uploaded a collection of Cyrtanthus species and hybrids images onto the Wiki.
Only the pictures so far at this stage, will add a few descriptions later.
These are all the species that have flowered so far.
Now I am temporarely suffering from RSI (repetative strain injury).
Go have a look and enjoy.

Best wishes,  Bill Dijk

PS: the Rhodophiala bifida is ours Mary Sue.

Tauranga, New Zealand :annual rainfall :1250 mm.
Sunshine hours, mean annual  :  2350 hours.
Temp.mean max.Summer : 25°C.   winter:///15°C/.
Temp.mean min. Summer :14.5°C. Winter: 5°C.
Wet mild Winters with occasional light frost.

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