Unidentified Wiki Pictures

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Sun, 08 Jun 2003 11:37:48 PDT
Dear All,

There are a few pictures added to Lawrence's wiki when we were using it 
that no one has claimed and were therefore never added to a wiki page since 
we knew no one to credit. I am going to list them below and ask for the 
people who posted them to contact me privately so we can get them on a wiki 
page. Otherwise I am going to delete them. Lawrence sent over all the files 
from his old wiki and some of them were clearly not ours and I suspect 
Arturo2 may not be either. I have changed the names slightly since some had 
spaces in them. I bet the Cyrtanthus is Bill Dijk's and the other three I 
am sure belong to this group.


I hope to hear from the photographers and better yet hear at the same time 
that those pictures are now safely on a wiki page.

Mary Sue

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