Jamie Vande Cologne Germany Zone 8 The only Brodiaea I grow, and I'm not sure that they are still in the genus, is B. laxa and Königin Fabiola (Queen Fabiola). I've seen them in and out of the genus Triteleia, so I am unsure where they belong, other than in any garden! I have them planted in a rockery between bearded Iris and smaller Hemerocallis, where they increase like fun! The abscence of leaves is an advantage in this setting and the flowers literally cover the area in shades of blue to purple. I must count this to my most beloved of blue blossoms, they are so clear and bright in the sunlight. I'm unsure if the increase is through offsets or seed, possibly both. I just planted them one year and left them to their own devises, which was apparently the right attitude!