I was happily on my way to getting a load of soil for planting more stuff today. Driving into the canyon I saw quite a few flowers along the roadside hills. So, I found a pull off and took a closer look (sorry, no bulbs, or so I thought). There were quite a few things (of which I have no idea of names) in bloom. One I recognized as what I learned as fireweed. It is rather attractive in masses. Anyway. I was along the road, taking pictures of the other things blooming. Of course, my curiousity got the better of me so I walked a little further down the road looking into the brush and up the hill a little way. What do I see but a spike of bright red/orange flowers. So, I try to figure out if it is OK (you know rattlers and all) to actually go in. So, I start pushing brush aside, making as much noise as possible. Then the fear kicks in and I can't figure out if it is safe to crawl around this large bush or not to get to that one large spike of orange. Well, I didn't have to. Actually if it was a snake (that I was so trying to avoid) it would have bit me. There was a spike of orange 6" in front of my face. It actually was what I has holding onto. So, to the point of the story. It was a beautiful Delphinium. It looked to me like what I have purchased as D. nudicale. But here is the cather. The darn spikes on some of them were nearing 10' tall. Same cute little flowers but way over my head. They are all just starting into bloom and many (and I do mean many, some of which I found on my way back out) have not even started blooming yet. They were everywhere on this one little hill (south side on decomposed granite). I looked at other hills but I could not see any more while I was driving so either they were not open yet or not there. Is this nudicale? When ever I have seen it for sale, it is usually 4" to 1' tall and dies in the heat (or maybe it was the extra water in general garden conditions). Is there another similar delphinium in So Cal? That is that high? The general area it was growing in is along the 210 N. of Glendale. So, yeah, it gets hot there in the summer and you know that it is dry! So, yes, I did get pictures. I will get them someone (any takers?) who can put them on the wiki for ID. I know Delphinium aren't normally geophytes but to live and bloom in So Cal at this time of year, there has to be more than a few fiberous roots under there. Now, my next question, would it be legal to collect a few seeds from them when they are ready? And can I distribute them to the BX? Another question, have these ever been hybridised with the "modern" Pacific Giant strain to produce a heat tolerant, "So Cal sun" tolerant, drought tolerant plant and if so, why is it not in our gardens? ===== John Ingram in mostly gloomy but warm, L.A., CA. Not much blooming right now, just a few Crinums, a sinningia or two, and some fabulous Pelergoniums. jjingram@adelphia.net Floralartistry2000@yahoo.com http://www.geocities.com/floralartistry2000/